Mom, What's For Dinner?
A podcast for parents who need help navigating the muddy waters of feeding their kids. From starting solids to picky eating and body image concerns, join me for real life, down to earth conversations about how to nourish our kids. I may be a pediatric dietitian, but I'm also a mom, dealing with the same day-to-day craziness and joy of motherhood as my listeners. You’ll learn, you’ll laugh, and you’ll be inspired!
Mom, What's For Dinner?
Stop Short Order Cooking to Help End Picky Eating
Suggestions, Comments, or Questions?
Do you find yourself cooking multiple meals in a single night because everyone in your family wants something different? Stir fry for the parents, hot dog for kid 1, mac n cheese for kid 2? This episode is for you! By the end of this episode you'll have learned how to make one meal per night that everyone can sit down and enjoy together.
To learn more about Jen’s picky eating program click here: https://jenbelangernutrition.com/pickyeating/
Disclaimer: Any information that I discuss on this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please always talk with your doctor before making any serious changes to your or your child's diet. Through this podcast, I am not conducting nutrition counseling or treatment.