Mom, What's For Dinner?

2025 Nutrition Trends: Seed Oils and Raw Milk

Jen Belanger MS RD LDN and Izzy Wilson Episode 79

Suggestions, Comments, or Questions?

Today we are talking about two of the most popular nutrition trends across social media right now, raw milk and seed oils. Is raw milk really the next miracle health food? Do you really need to avoid seed oils at all costs? These two trends are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the nutrition misinformation circulating online. We are going to set the record straight and give you the science behind what the safest thing is for your families when it comes to drinking raw milk and consuming seed oils. Spoiler alert: don't let the hype online get to you! 

Additional Resources:
Eatwell on Seed oils-,cutting%20out%20a%20food%20entirely

Raw milk Resources:*7c0b7a*_ga*MTI3NzA5NjY4MC4xNjM5NDkyNjc3*_ga_FD9D3XZVQQ*MTcyMDAzMTE5NS4xMjk2LjEuMTcyMDAzMTU2OC4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.11711924.1291720242.1719836022-1277096680.1639492677&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAsOq6BhDuARIsAGQ4-zgbYyb4lgQ5ZPPEQ4S8sYtZrV7MusK3AZ9Zyeworfn2ojFaUGZ2iDkaAiitEALw_wcB 

Disclaimer: Any information that I discuss on this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please always talk with your doctor before making any serious changes to your or your child's diet. Through this podcast, I am not conducting nutrition counseling or treatment.

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